Home » Artists » Pedro Victor Brandão

16. Pedro Victor Brandão

Cryptomedia – Landscape – Commons – Photography – Painting

Pedro Victor Brandão

1985 Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil

Lives and works in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil




Artist’s Website

Pedro Victor Brandão is a Brazilian artist that develops series of works in photography, painting, video and social experimentation that confront artistic traditions in assessments of the present and future of capitalism through research in economics, the right to the city, cybernetics and the current manipulative nature of the technical image. Graduated in Photography at UNESA (2009), he attended free courses at EAV Parque Lage (2006-2010 and 2015), at Capacete’s Universidade de Verão (2012), and at Colégio Brasileiro de Altos Estudos (2019), all in Rio de Janeiro. He was awarded at the 11th Prêmio Funarte Marc Ferrez de Fotografia, in 2010, and nominated to the 11th PIPA Prize in 2020.


As artist-in-residency, he took part in the programs of Cité Internationale des Arts (Paris, 2012), Terra UNA (Liberdade, 2013), Z/KU – Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik (Berlin, 2014), Lastro Centroamérica (Panama City, 2015), FAAP (São Paulo, 2017), Pivô Arte e Pesquisa (São Paulo, 2018), and Ybytu (São Paulo, 2022). Among the individual exhibitions are Pintura Antifurto (Casa França-Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, 2011), Tela Preparada (Sé, São Paulo, 2016), Forjada e Outras Formas, and Mais Abstratas (Portas Vilaseca Galeria, Rio de Janeiro, 2019 and 2023). He participated in many group shows, such as DURA LEX, SED LEX (UNASUR Biennial, CCPE, 2017), Take Me (I’m Yours) (Villa Medici, Rome, 2018), O Rio é uma Serpente – III Frestas Triennial (SESC, Sorocaba, 2021), Atos de revolta: outros imaginários sobre independência (MAM, Rio de Janeiro, 2022), Histórias Brasileiras (MASP, São Paulo, 2022), and Non-Fungible Castle (Lobkowicz Palace, Prague, 2022).


In 2019 he minted the series Returnable on the Ethereum blockchain, and in 2021 he created the Acerola Fund, an experiment of distributed governance and indirect coordination focused on the acquisition of works made by artists from the Global South. Pedro’s works are part of public collections in Brazil (MAM-Rio, Moreira Salles Institute, FUNARTE, MAR, and MASP), in cryptomedia collections (M4T, Lander, and Studio137), and in national and international private collections as well. His works are represented by the Portas Vilaseca Galeria (Rio de Janeiro).


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