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Antonio Bokel

1978, Rio de Janeiro/RJ Brazil
Lives and works in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil



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Concrete – Geometry – Displacement – Constructive – Interruption

Antonio Bokel graduated in graphic design from UniverCidade in 2004. He had his first solo exhibition in 2003 at Ken’s Gallery in Florence, Italy, where he lived and took courses in photography and art history. In Rio de Janeiro, he attended life drawing classes with Bandeira de Mello and painting courses with João Magalhães and Luiz Ernesto at the Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage.


Antonio Bokel’s visual research is driven by experimentalism. His work emerges from negotiations with chance, allowing him to recognize the opportunities offered by lack of control, leading him to confront the visual problems he sets for himself. Bokel’s practice reflects the complexity of our time, where the speed of mass media and life in large cities intertwine different images, languages, and disciplines, creating experiences that are not easily labeled but constantly overflow their boundaries and demand our critical and sensitive repositioning.


Over the past two decades, he has exhibited his work in Brazil and abroad.
His works are part of the collections of MAR (Museu de Arte do Rio), MAM (Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro), Usina de Arte, Pernambuco, Gilberto Chateaubriand Collection, and FGV ARTE.


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